Dusting off!

Viviana Diaz Granados
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2020


So, speaking about the hidden and positive side of the current situation in which we find ourselves these days, I have found the time to dust off some photos I have taken over the past years, and that for some reason I had kept in oblivion among many other things.

I have decided, in the midst of so many reflections during these days, that I want to rescue some of what makes me happy and makes me feel good (photography included among many other hobbies), so as a starter I thought it was a good idea to share some of these photos.

It’s kind of sad that it always has to be an extreme or difficult situation what opens our eyes and makes us realize that life is limited and that it only depends on us to be happy while we are here; but regrets aside, it is what it is, so let’s take advantage of this situation to dust off the things that for some reason we have kept away, hobbies, passions, activities, or even people.

Hope you enjoy them!

